Tag Archives: epiphany

This is all you’ve got, kiddo.


Have you ever had one of those moments where it’s like you finally see something that has been right in front of you for so long?
It’s like having a pin pricked into your skin and not realising for a few minutes….yeah it’s weird!

Well I experienced that today on a run.

Despite the fact that it was already quite unusual that I was participating in physical exercise, my slight (and not particularly inspiring) epiphany wasn’t even to do with something that had been on my mind. It was a completely random incident that basically knocked my socks off.

I guess it just hit me that this moment is the only time I’ll actually get to experience this exact moment. It takes a little while to sink in.

I almost pictured myself in an old school movie, where the mum has a flashback to days where she was young and gorgeous (not that I’m calling myself particularly gorgeous). I imagine it to be something like one of those moments, except that was what I would flash back to.

One day, in the distant future, when I have a family (hopefully) and a life that I’m proud of (again hopefully) I might look back and remember that time I was running through my incredibly stunning neighbourhood and suddenly remembered how blessed I was to live in such a place. That I actually stopped running and just looked at the way the trees stood up so tall and mighty. How the air felt against my skin and the sounds of the murmuring earth around me. It’s that simple..but I was blown away.

It’s frightening too…what if I look back and regret this year..or the past few years?

Okay so I said that this wasn’t particularly inspiring, perhaps that’s not the correct way to explain this. Although it may not be literary or philosophical genius, I do think it’s valuable and noteworthy.

Life goes on, no matter how appreciative you are of it, or whether you act as if it’s infinite. Life moves forward. Days don’t extend if you feel like you haven’t achieved something. Life just says “Better luck next time….this is all you’ve got, kiddo.”



