Tag Archives: dna



I was planning on writing a post about everything that’s making me feel fear…I actually drafted it and then deleted it straight away, mainly because I didn’t see the point in validating my fears.

So instead, I wanted to take a different approach and try and get my thoughts down on how to combat fear.

It’s such a natural human instinct, we’re perfectly designed to respond to potentially threatening situations in a way that will most benefit us, and it’s my belief that this “fight or flight” response is an incredible tool in our daily survival. But social and emotional evolution over the years suggests that it’s now snowballed into a more prevalent and debilitating form of fear, that comes as anxiety or depression. These can sometimes be brought on by irrational things…things we really shouldn’t be so afraid of!

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned over the short life I’ve already lived, it’s that fear can consume you if you allow it to. That’s the unfortunate truth.

But on top of that, I’ve learned that it is possible to develop ways of overcoming this tendency to fear.

Life shouldn’t be full of garden paths and marshmallow clouds…life should be full of challenges and marathons…that’s what makes us who we are!

Diamonds cannot be made unless you apply heat and pressure. We can’t be expected to face the fire and not take on the fear that accompanies it. One has to come with the other. That’s inevitable.

Perhaps you’re questioning where this is going…the plain and simple message that I want to get across is that fear and difficulty isn’t subjective…everyone experiences it! Whether you’re wealthy or poor, young or old, white or black, religious or not…it’s going to happen. After all, when you get past the skin and bones, we’re all human. In fact, our skin and bones are made of the same things!
Biology (although it’s one of the things I’m currently fearful of) has opened my eyes to the incredible fact that everything….EVERYTHING is made up of four things. Guanine, Thyamine, Adenine and Cytosine. The nitrogenous bases of our DNA.

That should set aside your fears of discrimination and racism…what’s the point? Just because the genes for my skin colour is expressed differently to that of someone living in Africa doesn’t make either of us any less of a person!

Fear doesn’t look at your DNA though..it doesn’t care about your circumstances. It’s like light in a way; light doesn’t choose who it will shine on, nor does oxygen deny some people the right to breathe!

This shouldn’t be freaking you out (hopefully)…all I’m trying to convey is that you’re not alone…and you shouldn’t be afraid of fear. Take the bull by the horns, or so to speak…I’m not sure I ever want to take a literal bull by the horns…

but on top of that…learn to appreciate and love each other for our faults, differences and independence. We’re made of the same stuff, but we should rejoice in our unique abilities.


Until soon,
