Tag Archives: girl

Video edition of the Liebster award!


I stress that I am an awkward person behind the camera.

This was fun!! Please watch my little video and respond with your own gorgeous faces 😀


Here are the rules:

1.  Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
2.  Answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3.  Nominate 10 of your favourite blogs with fewer than 200 followers and notify them of their nomination. (I didn’t do this….sorry!!!)
4.  Come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.


And here are my 10 questions!

1. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

2. What is your inner spirit animal?

3. What are you most afraid of?

4. Who in your life do you rely upon the most?

5. What is your worst addiction?

6. If you could go back in time to meet one person, who would that be?

7. In your opinion, what is the best personality trait?

8. Are you introverted or extroverted?

9. What is one completely random fact about you?

10. Where do you most want to travel to and why?


I hope you enjoyed, much love to you all!! Should I keep doing videos? Please let me know ❤




A quick update :)

A quick update :)

Things have been going pretty well lately. School has resumed and despite the fact that it’s literally the last year of my “compulsory” schooling…it’s been pretty breezy so far!
I thoroughly enjoy all of my subjects, I’m not (yet) bogged down by mountains of homework and the bitchiness levels have remained comfortably minimal.

Over all, I think I’ve had a school-related revelation.

If you just get on with your life and the things that you want to get out of the day/class/lunchtime/spare…you don’t generally resent that time, because you’re remaining occupied and you’re not SO stressed about whether you’re fitting in or standing out.

I’m forever grateful for the friends that I have at school, and I know that come lunchtime or in spares I’m not having to awkwardly sit alone, because I have people to be around. But I’m also not frightened of sitting at the front of the class despite that being “nerdy”, and I’m not bothering to come up with seating plans for my classes.

It’s super liberating, and I’m so glad I’ve discovered it!


On another note, TED talk stuff has been moving…well…slowly. I just haven’t found/made the time to dedicate myself to it. I will though, definitely. I’m looking forward to it 🙂

I’ll be in the local newspaper in 2 days…it’s a surreal and crazy feeling, but I can’t wait.






So, I guess this might turn into a rant, but here goes.

Yesterday was the day were nine of us year 11s bravely stood up on stage to give a two minute speech on why we should be elected head girl for 2014 (kind of like a school captain).

I’d like to say I’ve always been good at giving speeches…in fact I really love them. I get this weird rush whenever I have to speak in front of a crowd.

But I am not, however, the “funny one”.

And unfortunately at my school, when it comes to head girl speeches, you have to aim at being memorable, and memorable means funny.

I was last of nine, and the lead up to me was literally terrifying. Speech after speech left people laughing and roaring with applause. I could see the words “she was awesome” forming on everyone’s lips. It was enough to make me want to get off stage! But I kept telling myself “it’s no good now, your speech is written, you just have to do it”.

And so finally it’s my turn, I guess I had a lot of expectation riding on my shoulders, and it went exactly how I thought it would in that moment. Not very well.

The past 12 months have really been a lead up to that moment, whether or not I’d realized it, but it was such an important role to me and afterwards I realized how much I’d let myself down.

I knew people would be looking for in that speech and I didn’t do it. It’s a shame.

But enough of that soppy story. What’s done is done and its really out of my hands. Voting is next Tuesday, and to be frank, I don’t see anyone choosing me over the wonderfully charismatic girls before me. I kid you not, I am SO excited for them, they must be on such a buzz! And whatever happens, all those girls deserve it and next year is going to be awesome.

But it left me a little drained. Well a lot more than a little. I cried for a while. Not “oh poor me” crying…(well a tiny bit of that) it was more just the overwhelming nature of…well…everything!

Perhaps I’m not cut out for it, although I hate to admit it. But perhaps I need to take this as a lesson to just give things a go, but don’t be disappointed.

I really do hope there are more chances for me. You see..my personality is one where I hate talking about myself and showing my talents…but it’s meant that I’ve missed out a few times. I long for that place of leadership…I really do. And I don’t think anyone recognizes that yet…

So I’ll leave you with something that I hope you can take away: don’t miss opportunities!!
For the sake of all those who have….don’t!! Trust me, you’ll be better off if you take that leap of faith.

Until soon,