Who YOU are



Now that you’ve taken 3:37 minutes of your lives to watch this inspiring man, let’s break it down a little further.

Yes, it was directed to women

Yes, you should feel amazing and empowered after watching it

Yes, it’s okay to have teared up (I certainly did)

Yes, there was Christian references.

And that’s where I want to stop… and I want to pour out what’s on my heart.

There are SO many ways in which Christianity can be miscommunicated:

  • routine
  • regimented
  • fear
  • indecency
  • self-righteousness
  • hierarchy
  • ugly traditions

The list could go on…

To be very honest, it often makes life really hard for someone like me when people find out I’m a “Christian” because all these little prejudices come rushing into their mind before they even stop to think “This girl is just a normal girl”

What I believe is most important about this video is what it is suggesting. It’s encouraging women to believe they are valued, worthy, beautiful, extraordinary, needed, priceless etc.

Now those words don’t come with the attached “But only if you’re a Christian”.


I personally have more non-Christian friends than I do Christian ones, and I don’t love them any less because of a difference in opinion, because that’s not what my faith is about.

My faith is predominantly about instilling those values into peoples lives.

I want the girls that I associate with on a daily basis to feel so ridiculously beautiful that they can barely handle it. I want them to know I find them genuinely hilarious (I really do) and that I love spending time with them. I want them to know that they are unique and interesting, each of them so different from one another but able to link so perfectly together, like pieces of a puzzle.

The world so often ridicules Christianity or other forms of religion on the basis that they don’t take the time to understand what we’re all about. And in the process of doing so, people forget that things like Love, Patience, Kindness, Grace etc are all part of what it means to have Faith.

I am in NO way trying to make the horrific religious crimes seem any better, trust me, they exist, there are bad people in the system. But there are doctors, lawyers, politicians (can I get a hell yeah?) parents and a multitude of other people who are just not living up to the standards the world puts on them.


Ladies…please….listen to what this video is telling you, and whether or not you believe that there is a God, don’t ever think you’re not worth it or that you don’t have a purpose.

We all go through hard times, whether with friends, school, work or just every day life. It’s natural to sometimes feel crap about your life. I do it ALL the time!

I’ve made it my mission to make sure the world knows how precious they are. Humans are extraordinary creatures, and I will never ever stop being awe-struck by everything we can achieve.

Encourage each other, live every day with enthusiasm and happiness. Sometimes it can be hard, but believe me it’s worth it.

YOU are worth it.

And YOU are worthy.



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