

There’s a question that has always lingered in my  mind…

What is life?

Surely it cannot only be the sum of each day, whether spent accordingly or without enthusiasm, for if that were so we would all just live into infancy and then find the rest of our days obsolete.

An entire 24 hours cannot possibly be dreamt into excellence.

No…this is what life is:

Life is the mornings where you awaken with the sun and the sound of the ocean as you fall asleep.

Life is in a strangers smile on a day where you’d abandoned any hope of happiness, and life is the courage to confront your fears.

Life is every traffic light being green and the sky being clear. 

Life is the fleeting moments of pure purpose, when the heart of someone becomes so uncannily close to your own that you can barely tell them apart

Life is made up of lazy sunday mornings, cheese toasties in winter and laughing in the rain

Life is not definitive, nor constrained by time, life is a creation and a blessing.

To truly live is the rarest gift on Earth, so many people simply exist.


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