Daily Archives: August 18, 2012

Nearly there!


It’s currently 11:24, and i’m lying in bed, starving and exhausted, yet unable to sleep.

I can barely believe how difficult it has been, not only to resist food, but also facebook. It sounds like such a simple task, but it seems so apparent to me now that this generation particularly is so caught up on our social lives, even though tools such as facebook has only helped us isolate ourselves even more.

I know that social media can be so powerful, if enhanced and used for the correct reasons with a considerable amount of knowledge and control. After this famine is over, I know that I personally will have a changed attitude to how I act online, but I will also strive to learn ways of communication through our amazing internet in ways that are beneficial and actually engaging.

However, back on topic, this famine has been an eye-opening experience for me. Up until now, I knew nothing of what the people only a few countries away experience. Sure, I knew the facts and had a passion about it, but once again, that vital element of experience was needed to make it much more real.

I will be encouraging everyone I can to contribute to this cause, knowing that they must themselves experience it to truly understand the significance and absolute importance of it all.

A defining quote for me at this particular moment is one said by Joel A. Barker

Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.

It defines the very essence of the forty hour famine, and my own passion. I strongly urge every reader to get on board, and experience the power of vision attached with action!


The first day


Well today is the first full day of the forty hour famine. Waking up, it was going against pretty much all of my instincts to not go and have breakfast. Worst of all, my family was eating when I went out to the kitchen.
Not only was it difficult for me to not eat, but I felt increasingly isolated, having to remove myself from natural situations in which I would be surrounded by food. I just have to keep reminding myself, it’s for the kids.



The most interesting thing I’ve found is the things that I resort to in order to distract myself from lack of food and facebook. Of course I was planning on doing a lot of extra work, cleaning and practical things, but in actuality I found myself quite exhausted and ended up watching tv.
I cannot imagine how these amazing children, from such young ages, are able to live in the conditions that they do lacking the most fundamental necessities of life.

The forty hour famine has revealed to me, in such a small amount of time, just how different it can be, and just how important it is to experience first hand what these kids are going through each day.

I  have the reassurance that in under 24 hours I can return to “normal life”, but for millions of people, this is what they call normal.

The passion that this has already ignited in me is amazing, and I cannot wait to continue working so hard for this cause and getting more people involved.


Let’s do this together